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Rivchem Pharma

Rivchem Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian Pharmaceutical Marketing company based at Kolkata. The company was incorporated on 1st February 2022. We are providing high quality products at affordable price which helps to maintain longterm relationship with our customers. We believe in Humanity, Relationship and Togetherness.

Rivchem is a Pharmaceutical Marketing company, with focus on prescription drugs in the area of Nutritional supplements, Anti-infective, Vascular Management, Pain Management. Currently, we are operating under a single division consisting of brands specialized in gynecology ,pediatric, orthopedic,cardiology, etc.

Our Mission & Vision

Rivchem has adapted the same ideology, extended a “Healing Touch Towards Humanity.”

We want to achieve sustainable growth over the years and occupying a formidable position in the pharmaceutical industry.

We “Believes in Humanity, Relationship & Togetherness”. If Humanity is alive on us, New Relationship can make and Together we all can grow.

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